Marisa and I always prepare for the end of the financial year in March or April.
We take our draft financials for the current year to the accountant. Next we show the projected profits and then together plan how to minimize the tax position. This strategic meeting is NOT optional. It is mandatory!!
It is time you did the same.
If you are unsure what the changes are for this Financial Year and how to prepare for next, then I strongly advise to attend this meeting with Ben. July is too late to plan. It must be done now, and action taken during April, May and June.
His invitation is below so please don’t miss out.
With less than three months remaining in the financial year, it’s crucial for business owners to implement a tax planning strategy now before the financial year-end.
Join me on a webinar on the 16th of April at 10.00am QLD time to discuss what business owners need to consider before the financial year ends.
You’ll learn how to maximise your tax savings, legally, plus:
⭐ The impact of the ATO attack on trust distributions (called Section 100A)
⭐ Recent changes, such as the Stage 3 Tax Cuts thanks to Albo
⭐ Q&A with our accounting team to resolve any burning questions
Ben Walker
Founder, Inspire Accountants
A Level 2/89 McLachlan St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
P 1300 852 747
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Inspire Accountants, Level 2, 89 McLachlan Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006