Dreaming For Two

by Kel Davis

“Dreams in alignment make a powerful team.”

– Kelvin Davis,

The Secret Road to Wealth


If you know what you want to achieve in life and you have a strong motivation, creating a dream for yourself is relatively easy. But if you are married or in a long-term relationship, the dreaming process requires more effort.

Successful magnate and best-selling author Robert Kyosaki warned couples about the importance of having synchronized goals and dreams. He said, “If you do not grow together, you will grow apart.”

Each year, there are about 50,000 divorces granted in Australia, which show us that relationships fall apart like a daily phenomenon. Many of us may not realize it, but creating a dream for two in a relationship is a very important process. It could make or break a relationship. I have heard of so many relationships go down the drain because of the following reasons:

  • The couple failed to create their “dream for two” early on
  • One dream supersedes the other dream, leaving the other neglected
  • Couples dream only for themselves
  • Only one is willing to create a dream
  • Dreams clash and no one is willing to reconcile

I myself came from this group after having a partner who did not share my dreams. I went through divorce, faced the lessons and decided to turn my messy life around, determined not to repeat the same mistakes again.

Today, I am happily remarried to someone who shares my dreams and goals and who supports me in achieving them. Together, our dreams are in alignment.

So how do we do it?

We talk about it. Remember, a good relationship starts with good communication. We openly discuss to each other what we want to achieve as individuals and as a couple. We talk about how we feel and what are our fears.

The ‘talk’ includes opening emotional baggages and openly telling each other, without berating each other, the things that we wish the other would not do because it caused us pain or disappointed us. I figured out talking about these “wounds” is necessary to move forward in achieving your dreams. Without emotional baggage, the journey is much lighter.

We meet halfway. When our individual dreams clash with each other, we reconcile and talk about what’s best for us as a couple. As much as possible, we try to achieve both dreams, but it doesn’t mean we do both at the same time. Most of the time, a partner’s dream has to wait until the other’s dream is fulfilled. And both of you should agree to this.

We write it down. As I have discussed in my previous blog “Writing is Breathing Life to Your Dreams” writing our dreams down shows how committed we are to achieving them. Written dreams are also tangible reminders of our progress.

We work as a team. In every dream, goal or plan, we remind each other that we are a team. When one falls down, the other helps him stand up. What the other falls short of, the other complements. This way, we share ownership to our successes and failures and find comfort knowing that the other will always be there to support no matter what.

If you want to know more about how to create your dream as a couple, grab a copy of my book, The Secret Road to Wealth, available on here.